понеделник, 4 ноември 2013 г.

CMC# 33 Anything Goes / Всичко е позволено

Ето че отново е понеделник и време за новото ни предизвикателство! Този път темата е любимата на всички "Anything Goes" / "Всичко е позволено"!

It's Monday again and it's time for a new challenge! This time it's you all time favourite theme "Anything Goes"!

Спонсор на предизвикателството този път са Stamping Dragon Designs които щедро предоставят 4 дигитални печата по избор на победителя от техния магазин!

Sponsor of our challenge are the lovely Stamping Dragon Designs, who generously offer 4 digis by winnerher for buys from their shop to one lucky winner!

А нашият редовен спонсор Хобисимо щедро предоставят ваучер на стойност 25 лева за покупки от техния магазин на още един късметлия!

And our  regular sponsor Hobbisimo generously offer a BGN 25 gift voucher for buys from their shop to another lucky winner!

А ето какви красиви вдъхновения са подготвили за вас нашите невероятно талантливи дизайнери...
And now, take a look at the fabulous inspirations for you made by our incredibly talented DT...

С нетърпение очакваме да видим с какво ще ни изненадате този път!
We can't wait to see what you'll come up with this time!

13 коментара:

  1. Hi, ladies! Wowee!! Fantastic projects and inspirations. Always such a pleasure to pop on over! Thanks for the new challenge, have a nice week and Happy Crafting!
    Regards and "Hugs"

  2. Great inspirations and thanks for a great challenge x

  3. Thank you for a fabulous challenge with gorgeous DT creations
    Sue xx

  4. DT cards are gorgeous! Thanks for another fab challenge!
    Eret x

  5. I love the challenge and I've tried to enter twice, however, my cards are both in the same post so the link doesn't work the second time. I'm not sure what to do. Yikes, I't's the first time I've had more than one card in a post so I'll have to think about it. Hazel x


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Hello! And welcome to our challenge blog! We hope that you'll have fun playing along in our challenges!