Всъщност Мис Емералд съм аз - Антония. Щастлива майка на две прекрасни деца. Безвъзвратно потънала съм в магичния свят на ръчно изработените картички от ноември 2010. Обичам винтидж стила, в него сякаш плувам в свои води и определено съм вече заклета дистресохоличка! Освен това истинско удоволствие ми доставя и шиенето на гоблени!
Evie - Designer
My name is Evie and I'm from Indonesia. I'm 39 and have been married for 12 years to Yerrie. I am a stay at home mom to two wonderful and amazing boys: Jonathan (9) and Jordan (5). I love all things crafty, card making mostly, and adore making handmade flowers. I started making craft when I was still in primary school and from 2008 I began to craft more seriously in Singapore as it was easier to find craft tools and supplies there. Ever since our return from Singapore last year I keep on crafting here and learn more techiques like coloring and styling.Ileana- Designer
My name
is Ileana and I’m from Italy. I am 55 years old,
married and I have two grown children ... Mario (29) and Sabrina (23). My job
is babysitter. I discovered cardmaking 2 years ago and I was literally
fascinated by this hobby. On many blogs on the Internet
I learned a lot of things, but every day I discover more and more new.
I like
all styles, from vintage to CAS. For coloring I use Promarkers, but I'm trying
to learn the technique of watercoloring (I am working!).
I also
like to crochet, cross-stitch, etc.
delighted and honored to be a part of this wonderful team with many beautiful talented ladies!
Marzena- Designer
Hello, my name is Marzena. I'm from Poland. Lublin is the
city where I live with my husband. I'm interested in scrapbooking from 4 years.
At the beginning I was only checking cards and albums on the internet but
finally I decided try to do someting. I've started with LO’s only, but now I
focus mostly on cards and exploding boxes. I love colorfull cards with lots of
flowers, dies and layers, but I also fell very good in clean&simple. Now a
day without scrapbooking is a day wasted.
Thank you very much for inviting me as a designer on your blog, this is a great honor for me.
Thank you very much for inviting me as a designer on your blog, this is a great honor for me.
Iluszka - Designer
My name is Ilona, but in world scrapbookingu I exist as iluszka. How did my
passion arise? Paper and scissors it was my favourite way of spending the shared time with
the sweetie. We adored together to sit down and to create, especially Christmas
cards for closest. This our joint cutting out and the adhesive bonding turned
into such an our family tradition - for a few years, every year before
Christmas and Great Night we are sitting down and together we are creating
festive sheets. I am not depicting festive preparations for already myself
without these shared moments during, of which wishes are arising for closest...
With time an idea arose in order to take up scrapbookingiem \ "on
seriously\". I carried out an idea mainly because of the persuasion
closest and I am for them but very much grateful. Now I have my world, where I
am carrying out and I am finding fulfilment... I am
creating notelets above all, of sometimes inviting, albums and notebooks. I
don't know whether I have my style, but I am trying there to be a part at every
my work for me... I adore both minimal pages in the C&S style, but also
karteczkowe little dumpling which let fullfil themselves artistically:) Not
necessarily at me flowers must appear, but from additions I am loving the tape
washi tape, pearls in liquid and string. I adore
actively to spend time, best with the family in the fresh air - bicycle trips,
long walks with the beloved doggy and mountain walks - in this way I am
charging batteries:) and to it I am a great lucky woman - I am doing what I
love, what happiness is giving to me well most important, I infected my daughter
with my passion:)
Karasiowa - Designer
My name is Anna, known otherwise for about a year now, as
Karasiowa. For 23 years now, I have been a wife to Karas, a mother to two adult
daughters Paula and Klaudia, and to a teenage son Filip. I graduated from a
hotel management school, and even worked in the hotel management field for a
while, however, these days, and somewhat reluctantly, I work from home. Maybe
that's why nine years ago I put my heart and soul into cross stitching and now
into making greeting cards, which I started one and a half year ago due to a
gentle persuasion from my friends. I love doing things, which reflect who I am.
Hence, the title of my blog, "order and disorder" fits me perfectly.
On my cards, because after all, I mainly make cards, one can find everything
from artistic disorder (tears, rips), through flowers (which I love in the
garden, but hate in the vase, because then they're too fleeting), to harmony,
which is what I also value in life, through delicacy of lace, tulle and other
details. Mostly, though, I love layers. Still, there are so many other things,
which I would like to learn - for example, I'm dreaming of attending media
workshops - so I think that this is just the beginning of my adventure with
card making.
Здравейте! Казвам се Деси и съм от София. Открих това
прекрасно хоби през 2012 година. Първите
си творения правих за близки и не след дълго създадох блог, в който започнах да
споделям нещата си с останалите. В този етап на моето творчество, правя
предимно албуми за спомени, но най-голямо удоволствие ми доставя изработването
на картички и тагове. Най-новата ми страст, по която все повече се запалвам е
микс медията и по-конкретно - микс медия и скрапбук страници. За картичките си
използвам почти всички стилове, но най-любими са ми САS и винтидж. Обичам да
използвам предимно мастила, печати и шаблони за изрязване.
Srebrnolistka - Designer
My name is Anna and my internet
nickname is Srebrnolistka. I'm from Poland. I'm married and have two sons,
older one is also keen on scrapbooking
discovered scrapbooking and cardmaking three years ago and it's a way of life
for me I like all styles, from vintage
to CAS, whis is the most difficult for me. My cards are romantic, manylayered,
with a lot of flowers and buuuterflies.
I'm delighted and honored to be a part of this wonderful team with many beautiful talented ladies!
I'm delighted and honored to be a part of this wonderful team with many beautiful talented ladies!
Kakichka- Designer
Аз съм kakichka, известна още сред приятелите си като Kat. Занимавам се с правене на картички вече 9 години и това е моят начин да си почивам от напрегнатото ми ежедневие. Старая се всеки ден да уча по нещо ново и да го предавам нататък. Mix media стилът е моя страст, обичам да се цапам с боички, пасти и мастила.
shylaa - Designer
I am Shylaashree from India, very happy to be on the Card Mania Challenge team. I live with a beautiful family in a small industrial town in Tamilnadu,India.Crafting has always been part of my life however having a busy family it's confined to late at night when I steal a few hours to myself. Quilling is how it all began in the blogland and it was a turning point in my craft life from where i started into cardmaking, scrapbooking, alter items, 3D projects,fashion & paper jewellery & etc., I don't think i have a particular style, as it has evolved with time.I love all craft challenge blogs as they are my go to place when i need a kick start to craft.I am on a couple of Design Teams,my dream job would be to take my craft into a job. I hope it inspires you to create something amazing.Thank you Ani for the opportunity.Look forward to work with this talented design team.
Veana R. - Designer
Hello ! I am Zvezdana Rot, aka Veana R. Live with my lovely family near the coast of our wonderful Slovenia - the only country in the world that has the word LOVE in its own name. Let's stay in love.... I love my garden, where colourful flowers inspire my creativity and I love reading, because one life for me is not enoght, but most of all I love crafting.... Started three years ago with making greeting cards and than last year discover mix-media- art for my soul. Last year in June I started writing a blog and now here I am as a member of Design Team Card Mania. A big THANK YOU to Ani for this opportunity! Wish you all to have a lot of great fun !
Karteluszki Reni - Designer
Mam na imię Renata, w blogowym świecie można mnie znaleźć pod nickiem Karteluszki Reni.
Jestem mama dwóch synów, na co dzień nauczycielką jednego z najpiękniejszych przedmiotów - matematyki.
Tworzę pod wpływem chwili, dla siebie, rodziny, znajomych. Nie mam jednego stylu, ciągle próbuję nowych rzeczy, najczęściej powstają kartki, pudełka, notesy czy albumy.

Ani - DT and Sponsor Coordinator
Hi! I'm Ani and I'm from Bulgaria. I have been crafting as long as I remember but my real passion is card-making. I have been card making for about four years and absolutely love it! It all started when I saw a MS show and fell in love with the border punches she was demonstrating there… I've learnt so much already, but there's still so much I want to try, and always something new to learn! I recently discovered the Copics and I'm hooked.
My cardmaking style varies, from clean and simple to shabby chic, embellished to plain, vintage, cute and cuddly…. It all depends on my inspiration. I just adore creating and experimenting with all types of things and techniques.