понеделник, 1 февруари 2016 г.

CMC#77 Add Some Red / Добавете малко червено

Здравейте, креативни приятели!
Ето, че е февруари и ние сме готови да ви предизвикаме с нашето ново месечно предизвикателство. Както всички знаем, февруари е месеца на любовта, така че "Добавете малко червено" във вашите хартиени проекти и ни покажете какво сте сътворили.

Hello, crafty friends!
It is February already and we're here with a new monthly challenge for you. As we all know, February ids the month of LOVE, so "Add Some Red" to your paper projects and show us what you've done!

Първият спонсор на предизвикателството са Art By MiRanкоито щедро предоставят три дигитални печата от техния магазин на един победител!

The first sponsor of our challenge are Art by MiRan who generously offer 3 digis to one lucky winner!

"Hello I am Mi Ran artist and owner of Artbymiran, I was born in Seoul, South Korea. I grew up with Korean and Japanese Manga. In my childhood, I loved drawing and making my own little stories. I moved to Canada in my late 20s, where I reside with my husband.
Artbymiran turned one year this past July, and I can’t believe how far we have come in just 1 years’ time.
We have our main blog where my wonderful and talented showcase designers shares creations daily, a bi-weekly challenge blog showcasing fabulous creations to inspire by my super talented designers. Our Fan base Facebook page, a place to share your creations, chat with fellow crafters, and play in monthly challenges.
I also found the wonderful opportunity to turn my digital images into rubber stamps.
I love sharing my art, creating new images. I receive so much joy seeing others make them into beautiful works of art
Mi Ran"

А нашият редовен спонсор Creativity щедро предлага ваучер за пазаруване от техния магазин на стойност 30 BGN/15 EUR!

And our regular sponsor Creativity generously offers
 30 BGN/ 15 EUR gift voucher for buys from their store!

Вижте какви красиви вдъхновения са подготвили за вас момичетата от нашия Дизайн Тим...

Have a look at the fabulous inspirations that the ladies from our Design Team have made for you...

С нетърпение очакваме да видим с какво ще ни изненадате този път!
We can't wait to see what you'll come up with this time!

Card Mania Challenge #77 "Add Some Red"/ "Добевете малко червено"

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

7 коментара:

Здравейте! И добре дошли в нашия блог за предизвикателства! Ще се радваме да се забавлявате с нас!
Hello! And welcome to our challenge blog! We hope that you'll have fun playing along in our challenges!